Casas Chichimecas - a new Tulum style project in Mallorca

What is the essence of life? What do we need for well-being? Where can we find freedom?

We ask ourself those questions every day and the answer is so simple: at HOME !

Casas Chichimecas is an enclave captivated by the sea and the gardens. A Mexican living design followed by the footsteps of an old ancestry influence both in culture and development.

We will create a unique combination of natural elements surrounded by dedicated handcraft materials. A place where we meet flavours, sound and light in a green oasis in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. A place where you can walk barefoot, where the light shines through the branches and leaves harmony.

The Chichimecas shared with us one of their secrets around birth. Once a baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut and put in a pot, which is either buried under a big tree or put in the corner of the house. They have an expression: ‘No matter where you live or travel to, you will always come back to your origins because that is the place where your bellybutton is; the centre of your body.’

Welcome HOME, welcome to Casas Chichimecas !

Horia Mainescu